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Victoria Van Hyning, a woman with light complexion, dark curly hair, and glasses standing in front of a stone arch.

Victoria Van Hyning is an Assistant Professor of Library Innovation at the University of Maryland College of Information Studies (iSchool) at College Park. She joined the iSchool in 2020. Before this she served as a Senior Innovation Specialist and Community Manager for Collections and Data on the crowdsourcing project By the People at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. 

Her current research continues in diverse areas, but all stems from her interest in giving more oxygen to marginalized voices and people, whether these are minoritized individuals represented in the historical record or people alive today. Her interests include how to ensure the long-term preservation, use and reuse of volunteer, crowdsourced data and other user-generated content such as reading room photography and community archives; expanding prison librarianship, prison educational programing, and supporting returning citizens; and studying the writings of early modern women. The iSchool allows her to pursue these interests through teaching, research, and hands on projects, through the Center for Archival Futures (CAFe), and Recovering and Reusing Archival Data (RRAD) Lab.

“We love the design – it maintains the look and feel of something tangible, which is not an easy feat. It is easy to read text all over the page, upside down, sideways; it’s easy to do one line or an entire manuscript; in other words the interface is very thoughtfully designed and user friendly.”

Museums and the Web Platinum GLAMi award for AnnoTate. 

Ongoing Research & Digital Projects

A simple line drawing of a person holding a book.

ALA Standards for Library Services for the Incarcerated or Detained

Co-authored with stakeholders including previously incarcerated people and library and information workers.

Open right page of a book with cursive writing in pen.

Shakespeare’s World

Co-Investigator and Digital Humanities Project Leader

Three men looking at a book and laughing.

The David C. Driskell Papers Project

Co-created with students and partners in the Driskell Center at UMD

Additional Areas of Research

Prison Libraries

User Generated Archives

Past Research and Digital Projects

Mary Church Terrell: advocate for African Americans and Women

By the People

Senior Innovation Specialist and a Community Manager for the Library of Congress’s crowdsourcing project

Galaxy on a black background with "Into the Zooniverse" typed in the top left corner and 2019 in the top right corner.

Project Manager/Digital Humanities Postdoctoral Fellow, and later Humanities Principal Investigator

Front cover of "Convent Autobiography: Early Modern English Nuns in Exile" by Victoria Van Hyning featuring an image of a moving nun in a long white hallway with arched ceilings and windows on the left.

Convent Autobiography

Early Modern English Nuns in Exile

Victoria Van Hyning
Published: 06 August 2019
ISBN: 9780197266571

“Lessons for lockdown from Early Modern convents,” British Academy Blog, 5/14/20,